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Cover Artist Title Year Label Genre Bitrate
Biosphere Carnets De Voyage 1999 Biosphere Environmental 224
Biosphere Objective Nature (Objectif Nature) 2003 Biosphere Environmental 317
Biosphere Savanna 2004 Biosphere Environmental 230
Biosphere Airs De Provence 2005 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere 35° In The Shade 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 217
Biosphere 35° In The Shade (35° À L'ombre) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 217
Biosphere A Jaunt To Hawaii (Escapade À Hawaii) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 201
Biosphere Adriatica 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 275
Biosphere Africa 2006 Fonda-Mental Environmental 232
Biosphere Airs Of Provence 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere Airs Of Provence (Airs De Provence) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 189
Biosphere Aquaphelia 2006 Environmental 277
Biosphere Atlantis 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 222
Biosphere Between Sky And Sea (Entre Ciel Et Mer) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 222
Biosphere Birds Of Paradise (Oiseaux De Paradis) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 225
Biosphere California 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 318
Biosphere California 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 197
Biosphere Celtia 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 313
Biosphere Classicals 2006 Fonda-Mental Environmental 218
Biosphere Classics And Nature (Classiques Et Nature) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 195
Biosphere Classiques Et Nature 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere Coup De Foudre 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 320
Biosphere Dauphins Et Baleines 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere Dolphins And Whales (Dauphins Et Baleines) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 213
Biosphere Eloge De La Paresse 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 318
Biosphere Feng Shui 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 241
Biosphere Golden Summer 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 216
Biosphere Golden Summer (Eté De Grâce) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 216
Biosphere Harmony 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 219
Biosphere Harmony (Harmonie) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 219
Biosphere Heart Of The Forest (Cœur De Forêt) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 311
Biosphere Inca 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 208
Biosphere Infinity 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 274
Biosphere Invitation To Voyage 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 221
Biosphere Invitation To Voyage (Invitation Au Voyage) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 221
Biosphere Jade 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere Jardin Zen 2006 Fonda-Mental Environmental 238
Biosphere Java 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 246
Biosphere Jazz Lounge 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 270
Biosphere Kama-Sutra 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 258
Biosphere Le Chant Des Loups 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 315
Biosphere Le Jardin D'eden 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 232
Biosphere Meditation 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 235
Biosphere Ode À La Nature 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 318
Biosphere Ode To Nature (Ode À La Nature) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 207
Biosphere Oiseaux De Paradis 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 225
Biosphere Oriental Jazz 2006 Environmental 304
Biosphere Paroles De Singes 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 212
Biosphere Praise Of The Laziness (Eloge De La Paresse) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 205
Biosphere Relaxing In The Caribbean (Détente Aux Caraïbes) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 203
Biosphere Return To The Sources (Retour Aux Sources) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 217
Biosphere Reveries 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 236
Biosphere Sailing Away (Partir) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 210
Biosphere Serenity (Sérénité) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 213
Biosphere Songe Turquoise 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 209
Biosphere Symphony In Blue 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 203
Biosphere Symphony In Blue (Symphonie En Bleu) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 203
Biosphere The Belling Of The Stag (Le Brame Du Cerf) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 216
Biosphere The Call Of The Whales (L'appel Des Baleines) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 206
Biosphere The Chattering Of Monkeys (Paroles De Singes) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 212
Biosphere The Concert Of The Earth 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 318
Biosphere The Concert Of The Earth (Le Concert De La Terre) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 199
Biosphere The Garden Of Eden (Le Jardin D'eden) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 232
Biosphere The Howling Of Wolves (Le Chant Des Loups) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 315
Biosphere The Symphony Of The Marshes (Le Concerto Du Marais) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 205
Biosphere The Voices Of The Forest 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 222
Biosphere The Voices Of The Forest (Les Voix De La Forêt) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 222
Biosphere The Whispering Wood 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 243
Biosphere The Whispering Wood (Le Bois Aux Murmures) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 243
Biosphere Thunderbolt 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 320
Biosphere Thunderbolt (Coup De Foudre) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 211
Biosphere Turquoise Dream 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere Turquoise Dream (Songe Turquoise) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 209
Biosphere Water Is Life (L'eau La Vie) 2006 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 307
Biosphere Cosy Christmas 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 214
Biosphere Cosy Lounge 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 318
Biosphere Cosy Winter 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 230
Biosphere Cozy Christmas (Cosy Christmas) 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 214
Biosphere Cozy Lounge (Cosy Lounge) 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 199
Biosphere Escapade À Hawaii 2007 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Feng Shui Garden 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 253
Biosphere Hammam 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 239
Biosphere Voyage 2007 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 196
Biosphere Antarctica 2008 Biosphere Environmental 196
Biosphere Biosphere 2008 Biosphere Environmental 316
Biosphere Buddha 2008 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 318
Biosphere Entre Ciel Et Mer 2008 Biosphere Environmental 222
Biosphere Harmonies 2008 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 257
Biosphere Pavillon Corsaire 2008 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 315
Biosphere Pirate Flag (Pavillon Corsaire) 2008 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 214
Biosphere Sérénité 2008 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 213
Biosphere Spa 2008 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 212
Biosphere Zen Spirit 2008 Biosphere Environmental 226
Biosphere Earth 2009 Biosphere Environmental 256
Biosphere Velvet Lounge 2009 Biosphere Environmental 243
Biosphere Water 2009 Biosphere Environmental 256
Biosphere A Life Of Luxury 2010 Biosphere Environmental 238
Biosphere A Nature Walk 2010 Biosphere Environmental 249
Biosphere Animals Of Our Forests 2010 Biosphere Environmental 255
Biosphere Baths And Well-Being 2010 Biosphere Environmental 238
Biosphere Cœur De Forêt 2010 Biosphere Environmental 311
Biosphere Eden 2010 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Eté De Grâce 2010 Biosphere Environmental 318
Biosphere Feng Shui 2010 Biosphere Environmental 241
Biosphere Harmonie 2010 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Invitation Au Voyage 2010 Biosphere Environmental 221
Biosphere Kàma-Sùtra 2010 Biosphere Environmental 258
Biosphere La Vie De Château 2010 Fonda-Mental SA Environmental 319
Biosphere Lacs Et Etangs 2010 Fonda-Mental Environmental 198
Biosphere Lacs Et Étangs 2010 Biosphere Environmental 198
Biosphere Lakes And Ponds 2010 Biosphere Environmental 181
Biosphere Le Bois Aux Murmures 2010 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Le Concert De La Terre 2010 Biosphere Environmental 318
Biosphere Méditation 2010 Biosphere Environmental 235
Biosphere Oiseaux De Nos Jardins 2010 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Partir 2010 Biosphere Environmental 210
Biosphere Retour Aux Sources 2010 Biosphere Environmental 217
Biosphere The Birds Of Our Yards 2010 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Velvet Lounge 2010 Biosphere Environmental 243
Biosphere 35° À L'ombre 2011 Biosphere Environmental 320
Biosphere Jardin Zen 2011 Biosphere Environmental 238
Biosphere Africa 2012 Biosphere Environmental 232
Biosphere Animaux De Nos Forêts 2012 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Asia Dream 2012 Biosphere Environmental 245
Biosphere Atlantis 2012 Biosphere Environmental 222
Biosphere Détente Aux Caraïbes 2012 Biosphere Environmental 203
Biosphere Feng Shui Garden 2012 Biosphere Environmental 253
Biosphere Forestia 2012 Biosphere Environmental 256
Biosphere Hammam 2012 Biosphere Environmental 239
Biosphere Harmonies 2012 Biosphere Environmental 315
Biosphere Inca 2012 Biosphere Environmental 318
Biosphere Java 2012 Biosphere Environmental 246
Biosphere L'appel Des Baleines 2012 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Le Brame Du Cerf 2012 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Le Chant Des Loups 2012 Biosphere Environmental 315
Biosphere Le Concerto Du Marais 2012 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Le Voile Safran 2012 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere L'eau, La Vie 2012 Biosphere Environmental 318
Biosphere Les Voix De La Forêt 2012 Biosphere Environmental 309
Biosphere Objectif Nature 2012 Biosphere Environmental 317
Biosphere Paradisio 2012 Biosphere Environmental 320
Biosphere Randonnée Nature 2012 Biosphere Environmental 320
Biosphere Rêveries 2012 Biosphere Environmental 236
Biosphere Savanna 2012 Biosphere Environmental 320
Biosphere Spa 2012 Biosphere Environmental 212
Biosphere Symphonie En Bleu 2012 Biosphere Environmental 319
Biosphere Thermes Et Bien Être 2012 Biosphere Environmental 317
Biosphere Voyage 2012 Biosphere Environmental 309
Biosphere Zen Spirit 2012 Biosphere Environmental 226
Biosphere Mystic Yoga 2014 Biosphere Environmental 312
Biosphere Nirvana 2014 Biosphere Environmental 313
Biosphere Spa Delice 2014 Biosphere Environmental 313
Biosphere Jazz To Paradise 2015 Biosphere Environmental 319